Out there, USA


Seedy Heirlooms

Learn more about the farm-grown heirloom seeds I offer, from Sweetmeat Squash, the tasty celadon beauties developed for the Pacific Northwest, Double Red Sweet Corn, a blend of old and new by a pioneer of the open-pollinated movement, Alan Kapuler, Phd, Ayacotes Morados, ancestral runner beans from Oaxaca that produce scarlet flowers that hummingbirds fight over, followed by tasty green pods and then beans that dry in lovely shades of purple, a blend of sunflower types I call the Happiness Mix, and a variety of Calendula gifted to me by my friend Amanda dubbed the Friendship Mix. There’s more to come, of course, but these are seeds I have been growing and saving for years because they are reliable even in the vagaries of a Pacific Northwest summer. Russian red kale, cilantro, parsnips and parsley are also standing by. The 2022 garlic crop is already in the ground and sending up shoots.

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